How has the geothermal heat pump been working?

Great!  I have a separate kWh meters on the heat pump and water heater.  I can also track its consumption, and computer heat pump efficiency:

Month Heat pump kWh Cost Water heater kWh Cost Average temperature
February 614 $38 416 $26 37 F
March 361 $22 527 $33 39.5
April * 72 $4.40 197 $12  

*First 23 days of April

The annual lion's share of energy will be consumed by the hot water heater.  Most of its energy is wasted by the recirculator.  Once I have the remote on/off switches in place, it should improve.  In my case I should have installed a second heater in the far end (master bath) of the home to avoid the long run of hot water.

While not shown above, the heat pump's efficiency (COP) was measured to be 4.0.  This means that my electric bill will be 25% of a resistive heated home.

Currently a portion of our domestic hot water is provided by the heat pump's desuperheater.  This hot water feeds a tank which feeds the domestic hot water tank.